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Marriage Advice and Life CoachingĀ 

Thriving or Just Surviving?

A Midlife Marriage Assessment

Marriage is a journey—one that evolves over time, especially in midlife. The kids grow up, careers shift, and priorities change. One day, you wake up and realize that your relationship is no longer what it used to be. Maybe it feels like you and your spouse are...

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Blind Spots in Life and Work: How a Coach Helps

Most people think of a blind spot as the thing you can't see while looking left, right, and center while driving. 

Considering changing lanes? 

You better make sure you don't have a blind spot, right?

There's another kind of blind spot.  It's the thoughts you don't see.  The...

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Falling Madly in Love with Yourself

This blog post is about how to be madly in love with yourself and how you can cultivate this loving feeling towards yourself on a regular basis.

I love this concept which is not a particularly popular one. 

We are all hard on ourselves.  

The negative thoughts in our heads which...

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Living Intentionally: The Key to an Extraordinary Life

Have you ever wondered what separates a fulfilling, extraordinary life from one that just feels okay? Why do some people radiate joy, confidence, and a sense of purpose while others feel stuck in a cycle of mediocrity?

The answer lies in one powerful concept: intentionality.

What Does It Mean to...

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Thoughts About Divorce

In this video, I talk about some thoughts I have about divorce and how I equate it with pain.  I have not been through a divorce and have avoided it at all costs.  Neither my husband or I ever wanted to have that experience and we have worked hard on making our marriage great. ...

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How I Became A Life Coach

I've been wanting to share this story for a long time and I don't know why I kept putting it off.  I believe it is an unusual story because most life coaches had the experience of getting coached before they entered into the profession.  For me, it was quite different.  I never...

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